Public Participation

The Wausau MPO uses the Public Participation Plan to conduct its public outreach in the development of the long-range transportation plan, transportation improvement program (TIP), and other MPO planning documents.
To view the Public Participation Plan, please click on the link below:

Public Participation Plan  (pdf)

Title VI /ADA – Notice of Non-Discrimination to the Public

The Wausau MPO operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, sex, age, religion, income status or limited English proficiency (LEP) in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and related nondiscrimination authorities. For more information on Wausau MPO’s civil rights program, ADA obligations, and the procedures to file a complaint, contact Laurie Miskimins at [email protected] or (715) 261-6000. For hearing impaired, please use Wisconsin Relay 711 service

Further information is available in our Title VI Nondiscrimination Program and Limited English Proficiency Plan

English – Notice of Non-Discrimination – Complaint Procedure – Complaint Form

Hmong – Notice of Non-DiscriminationComplaint Procedure – Complaint Form

Spanish – Notice of Non-Discrimination – Complaint ProcedureComplaint Form

Title VI Assurances

Wausau MPO 2025 Title VI Assurances (Part 1)

Wausau MPO 2025 Title VI Implementation Plan Agreement (Part 2)

Copies of all the above documents may be printed from this website or are available at 210 River Drive, Wausau WI 54403

  • If information is needed in another language, contact 715-261-6000.
  • Si se necesita informacion en otro idioma de contacto, 715-261-6000.
  • Yog muaj lus qhia ntxiv rau lwm hom lus, hu rau 715-261-6000.