Wausau MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan

The Wausau MPO Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee is an advisory subcommittee of the Marathon County Metropolitan Planning Commission. The committee works on development and execution of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, provides recommendation on projects applying for Transportation Alternatives Program funding, and encouragement and policy issues from a regional level.

Meetings are head most months on the fourth Thursday, 5:30pm at 210 River Drive in Wausau.

For more information contact Dave Mack

Bike Plans

Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan 2015 – Updated 2021

Bicycle Routes

The Bicycle Route System was developed from the 2009 Bicycle Master Plan and are designed to provide preferred routes between communities.

Bicycle Wausau (Bike Routes Website)

Bicycle & Pedestrian Route Map for the Wausau Metro Area (4.5mb file size)

Bicycle Routes in Google Maps

For further information on biking in the Wausau area see below:


Wausau Wheelers