About the Wausau MPO
The Marathon County Metropolitan Planning Commission has been designated by the governor of Wisconsin as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to perform transportation planning activities for the Wausau area in accordance with Federal regulations and is known informally as the Wausau MPO.
The Wausau Metropolitan Planning Area includes the Cities of Mosinee, Schofield, and Wausau, the Villages of Kronenwetter, Maine, Rothschild, Rib Mountain, and Weston, and the Towns of Mosinee, Stettin, Wausau, and Weston.
The main objectives of the Marathon County Metropolitan Planning Commission are to develop and maintain a long-range transportation plan, and a short range Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) of state and federally funded and other regionally significant projects. The MPO also provides technical expertise to the local area transit provider Metro Ride.
The MPO biannually allocates federal funds through the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) to projects that have passed an established criteria. Funding for non-motorized transportation is available every three years through the Transportation Alternative Program.
The Marathon County Conservation, Planning and Zoning Department provides the staff support for the Marathon County Metropolitan Planning Commission and annually prepares the Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) to identify the types of projects and plans to be undertaken, and the budgets for the work.
There are two committees that provide technical advice to the Marathon County Metropolitan Planning Commission and assist with specialized planning. They are the Technical Advisory Committee (MPOTAC), and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Sub-Committee.
MPO Bylaws
View the current MPO Bylaws (pdf)
MPO Maps